Be Still

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With four children joining my parent's lives within  eight years - almost to the day - my Mom was a busy person. Some days it was necessary to push the 'reset' button on our exuberance.

"Be Still!" she would command.

Almost instantly, because we knew obedience was our friend, Quiet and Calm would reign. Chaos was brought under control and Mom could think for a moment.

Rabbit trail warning: Mom was an amazing woman, truly a warmer and more loving mother was never available to any child, but she was also strong. She could be a force (not) to be reckoned with! A tower of refuge for her little ones.

Over the years I've discovered being still can carry me through a lot of life's catastrophe's. 

Imagine life as a hurricane. Consciously traveling in the eye of the storm, where it is still, may take you through some pretty big messes, but the destructive winds will not touch you directly.

Riding a rip current until it dissipates and then swimming parallel to the coast until you can swim inland again is more life-savingly effective than fighting the current.

When Jesus told the winds and the waves to "Be Still!" He wasn't speaking hypothetically or theoretically or even metaphorically. He said "Be Still!" and they stopped their tirade.

God calls to my heart and mind "Be Still!" and with that command comes a promise "and know".

Know beyond doubt.

Know overflowing peace.

Know with assurance and hope.

"Know that I Am God!"



Be still, and know that I am God!

Psalm 46:10


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