Have you ever read a favorite poem or listened to that can't-help-humming-along song or seen some familiar beauty that always makes you catch your breath for a moment - and suddenly it takes on a meaning that you'd never contemplated before?
That happened to me this morning.
The Verse of the Day was taken from Romans 8 . . . one of my favorite chapters in the Bible because it starts off assuring me that there is no condemnation for me because I'm safe in Jesus. But I digress.
The passage is from further on in the chapter - Verses 26 and 27 to be exact: The Holy Spirit prays for me because I'm just not that good at it.
I remember my parents guiding me, "Dear Jesus, " and I would echo "Dear Jesus,"
"Thank you for a beautiful day."
"Thank you for a beautiful day." I would repeat.
"Forgive me for hitting my brother." Mom would prompt.
"Forgive me for hitting my brother." with my mind whispering "but he deserved it!"
"Help me be more like Jesus."
"Help me!" (because I don't want to burn in the lake of fire)
You get the picture.
Even as I've adulted and discovered my own amazing relationship with the Divine, I've still chafed under the conviction that somehow my sinfulness prohibits me from praying acceptably. That my contrary will is in stark contrast to His All Knowing Best idea of what's good for me - making it unlikely that I'll get what I ask for.
And I've been thankful - truly - that there is a provision - the Holy Spirit - who can translate my bumbling attempts at Spiritual communication into acceptable requests before The Throne.
I've been especially thankful when I'm just so overwhelmed that I can't even form my deepest heartaches and desires into a "Help me!" prayer.
This morning the face smack of a different perspective lifted my soul and I've soared on the wings of the Spirit all day!
This morning I read those verses for the umpteenth time and understood that the Holy Spirit prays for me!
Not only the fixing my prayers so God doesn't gag on them kind of for me. He Prays For Me! He asks for what I don't even know I need. He Thanks for things I didn't even know I was given. He prays for me like I would pray for a friend . . . because I'm loved by God.
Because I'm treasured.
In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. And he who searches our hearts knows the mind of the Spirit, because the Spirit intercedes for God’s people in accordance with the will of God.