Giving Peace

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I want to give a dear friend of mine the gift of Peace. The God kind of Peace. Something the world - in which I am marooned - cannot give.

She's a person who seems to be stuck in the midst of a stalled out hurricane, though she has one of the most peaceful spirits I've known.

You might ask why I want to give peace to someone who already has it. Well, because you can never have too much peace! Peace is the perfect gift. You can take it everywhere you go, but it adds no weight or bulk to your baggage. In fact, it lightens the load. You don't have to find a place to store it. It can be shared without depleting your supply. It never gets in the way and it won't spoil. No calories. Physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually beneficial. And there is no need to establish boundaries for it.

Looked up 'Peace' in my Strong's Concordance because I remember well Jesus' gift of peace to his disciples just before his crucifixion, but didn't remember exactly where in the Bible it was recorded.  It's John 14:27.

Interesting thing, while I was searching, I came across a couple places where Jesus instructs His disciples to give their peace to those worthy of it and take it back if they discover said worthiness is lacking.


Various translations often use a different word for peace, but the original word - according to Strong's - is the same as the peace that Jesus leaves with His disciples.

So my friend, by the authority bestowed upon me as a daughter of the King of the universe,  and therefore a princess of the universe, I hereby give you the gift of Peace.

I anticipate you will take it in and use it as needed.

I anticipate you will re-gift it. 

I do not expect to take it back!

I [Jesus] am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.

John 14:27


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