Keep Walking

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When my son was small, one of his favorite video series was VeggieTales. As with almost every animated story ever written and produced for children, there is much to catch the attention of adults as well.

Recently, in a fit of whimsey, I was listening to some of my personal favorite VeggieTales songs and one from the story of the fall of Jericho caught my attention in a new way.

God has instructed Joshua in the capture of Jericho - a city in Canaan - the Promised Land. A city with very strong, insurmountable walls. 

This was to be more like a march than a battle. Line the people up, were the instructions. Priests blowing horns, fighting men, presumably in full gear, the Ark of the Covenant, and the Israelite populous. Just walking. No noise other than the primal sound of the Shofar. No conversation, not even in whispers. Just walking. One trek around the city every day for six days. Then on the seventh day, seven times around, ending with an extra blast of horns and a shout as loud as the people could make it.

The promise - when they shout, the walls will spontaneously fall down.

From an outsider perspective, a crazy plan. And though the Jerichonians are described in the Bible as absolutely terrified because they have heard stories of Israel's Mighty God, one can't blame them for maybe hoping just a little that this ridiculous plan might end up working out in their favor.



So, I'm in my car, Keep Walking is playing, and an idea starts to form in my head. I click the replay button. The idea takes shape. It materializes. Replay again . . . could it really be that simple?

There are strongholds in my life that only God can successfully destroy. Walls built so well that I have no power to take them down. He tells me to simply keep walking and trust Him.

Keep walking with Him.

Keep walking without complaint. Well . . . not audibly ;)

Keep walking even when those whose opinion I value suggest that this may not be my best idea.

Keep walking in anticipation of His promises.

Keep walking and when He gives the command, SHOUT!

Glory! Glory Hallelujah! He gives me victory!