Have you ever been frustrated and appalled by someone who identifies a less than desirable characteristic in others but fails to recognize that they do exactly the same thing?
"It takes one to know one!" we mutter under our breath.
Jesus called them out . . . Hypocrite! He said in Matthew 7:5, First get rid of the log in your own eye; then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend’s eye.
Psychologists call it 'Projection' and define it as the tendency to ascribe to another person feelings, thoughts, or attitudes present in oneself. It's a way we cope with the baggage we all have accumulated.
So next time you find yourself blaming another person for something that irritates you, go look in the mirror. Be honest. Do you do that same thing?
Deal with your log.
Forgive your friend.
Forgive yourself!
But don't stop there . . .
Accept God's Projection! He is good and kind and loving and merciful and patient and other-centered and . . . the beautiful characteristics of God are infinite.
Ask Him to help you see yourself clearly.
Through His eyes.
Without the impediment of your personal log(s).
Invite Him to live His beauty in and through you.
Accepted by the Perfect Master of the Universe, you CAN drop the baggage and discover beautiful people all around you.