Purim 2021

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I AM, The LORD your God, declare that you, [Your name here], have the right and responsibility, to stand against evil in all its manifestations, both spiritual and temporal.

As My chosen - Every day you may ask for my Holy Spirit to help you discern evil in all its forms and banish it from your presence.

As My chosen - Every day you may put on my whole armor so you will be able to stand. Note: it has never been my intention for you to ever be a doormat.

As My chosen - Every day you may learn of me - learn of how things are done in heaven so you can do the same here on earth.

As My chosen - Every day you may draw strength from my everlasting, powerful arms.

As My chosen - Every day you may rise up on eagles wings. You may run and not grow weary.

As My chosen - Every day you may have unlimited access to my wisdom.

As My chosen - Every day I promise that if you lose your way, I will find you and bring you home.

Take courage my warrior child. Stand. Be not dismayed, for I AM your God!


Malachi 3:17&18

Hebrews 5:14

1 Corinthians 2:15&16

Ephesians 6:10 and following

Matthew 6:10

Deuteronomy 33:27

Psalms 18:32

Isaiah 40:31

James 1:5

Luke 15:4-7

Daniel 10:19

Deuteronomy 31:6

Isaiah 41:10

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