The Shadow of Death Valley

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About a week ago a beloved family pet left us suddenly. Without warning she was gone.

My sister, with whom she lived was understandably devastated. She is the most directly impacted as she is the one who fed, nurtured and enjoyed companionship with this treasured animal.

It has been hard to be far away and not able to hold my sister and cry with her. I've tried to come up with comforting words to text, but know my words are worth little to a broken heart.

Psalm 23 is a Bible passage often used at funerals and I was repeating it to myself this morning . . . Even when I walk through the valley of the shadow of death . . . the shadow of death . . . the shadow . . .what we mourn here is only a shadow.

What we embrace here is also a shadow.

Neither would be possible if there were not a very bright light of Reality beaming upon us, eagerly awaiting our arrival.

Precious Sister. I won't try to spout words that cannot take your pain away. I will only remind you that this shadow world has little to do with real Life. And until that Day when shadows are no more - keep your chin up so God can wipe the tears from your eyes.

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